Nadine describes herself as a student of life. She has a zest for learning and loves to share her knowledge through life experience. She gained a Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Education and has taught children for numerous years. Nadine has travelled to many countries where she has explored, studied and taught. She has completed level 1 and 2 training with Byron Yoga Centre, studied Vinyasa Yoga at the Australian Academy of Yoga and Kids Yoga with Rainbow Kids. Returning to her home town after years of travel and exploration Nadine started Sohum Community Yoga in Tooradin, South East Victoria. Her curiosity and drive to experience and learn lead her to move with her family to the Sunshine Coast and became a Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist and Zenthai Flow Yoga teacher. She currently runs her own business, Zenthai Fusion, as a Therapist and Yoga Teacher in Doonan, QLD. Nadine has been teaching yoga for over 15 years. She is a dynamic and warm yoga who brings energy, humour and philosophy to her classes. Students leave Nadine's classes feeling energised, clear and refreshed, creating more space throughout the body and mind for a happy and healthy life. Her intentions are to support and guide her students through the pathways and tools of yoga and meditation to create a life of balance, good health, happiness and abundance.