- Special joint facilitation by Chloe & Jamie from Sacred Elixir & Julie from The Base Yoga
Date: Friday 8th April 2022
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Cost: $99 per person
A beautiful 2+ hour immersive evening of cacao ceremony, yin yoga, plant magic + sound that will tantalise all the senses as it invokes the physical, emotional + spiritual bodies. The coming together of these incredible elements will bring depth + flow to your experience, leaving you heart opened, blissed out + deeply centred.
Arrival will be 6:15 onwards for a 6:30 start.
You will be greeted into the space with sacred smoke + ceremonial cacao before we settle in for a cacao ritual to open the heart + ground us into our bodies. Followed by softens yin yoga, where we look to shed unwanted layers through movement, combined with the aromatics + energetics of a few chosen plant allies.
This will set our bodies up beautifully too deeply integrate the frequencies of the sound journey allowing you to travel beyond the constructs of the human mind.
You will be guided beautifully by trained facilitators so that you can really settle in for the evening.
No prior experience is required.
We look forward to sitting in sacred space with you.
Much love,
Chloe & Jamie ~ The Sacred Elixir
Julie ~ The Base Yoga
About Julie
Owner & Director and Head Teacher at The Base Yoga. Click HERE to go to Julie's Bio.
About Chloe
Chloe uses, educates and sells doTERRA products. She is an advanced beauty therapist, who has a background in pharmacy. Also a regular yoga practitioner, Chloe has worked with, studied, and tried and tested many oils over the years. She believes doTERRA is an absolute game changer, not only as a product but on a global scale, for the change we are creating for those less fortunate.
Chloe is also the co-owner of The Sacred Elixir ~ sourcing, manufacturing, and delivering unique ceremonial cacao pods to anyone wishing to dive into this enlightening experience at home
About Jamie & Chloe
A beautiful unity of two people with one passion - people in ceremony using ancient, native and sacred offerings. Click HERE to read about their business The Sacred Elixir.
- Special joint facilitation by Chloe & Jamie from Sacred Elixir & Julie from The Base Yoga
Date: Friday 8th April 2022
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Cost: $99 per person
A beautiful 2+ hour immersive evening of cacao ceremony, yin yoga, plant magic + sound that will tantalise all the senses as it invokes the physical, emotional + spiritual bodies. The coming together of these incredible elements will bring depth + flow to your experience, leaving you heart opened, blissed out + deeply centred.
Arrival will be 6:15 onwards for a 6:30 start.
You will be greeted into the space with sacred smoke + ceremonial cacao before we settle in for a cacao ritual to open the heart + ground us into our bodies. Followed by softens yin yoga, where we look to shed unwanted layers through movement, combined with the aromatics + energetics of a few chosen plant allies.
This will set our bodies up beautifully too deeply integrate the frequencies of the sound journey allowing you to travel beyond the constructs of the human mind.
You will be guided beautifully by trained facilitators so that you can really settle in for the evening.
No prior experience is required.
We look forward to sitting in sacred space with you.
Much love,
Chloe & Jamie ~ The Sacred Elixir
Julie ~ The Base Yoga
About Julie
Owner & Director and Head Teacher at The Base Yoga. Click HERE to go to Julie's Bio.
About Chloe
Chloe uses, educates and sells doTERRA products. She is an advanced beauty therapist, who has a background in pharmacy. Also a regular yoga practitioner, Chloe has worked with, studied, and tried and tested many oils over the years. She believes doTERRA is an absolute game changer, not only as a product but on a global scale, for the change we are creating for those less fortunate.
Chloe is also the co-owner of The Sacred Elixir ~ sourcing, manufacturing, and delivering unique ceremonial cacao pods to anyone wishing to dive into this enlightening experience at home
About Jamie & Chloe
A beautiful unity of two people with one passion - people in ceremony using ancient, native and sacred offerings. Click HERE to read about their business The Sacred Elixir.
30 Days for - $49
- Unlimited classes for 30 days consecutive -
30 Days for - $49
- Unlimited classes for 30 days consecutive -